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Permanent Advisors

The faculty of the Graduate Program in Endocrinology is comprised entirely of PhD holders, who are actively involved in all academic activities, including undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, extension, innovation, assistance, and academic administration. The quality of the faculty can be assessed by indicators such as the CNPq Research Productivity Grant and/or the Young Scientist and Scientist of Our State/FAPERJ grants.

The permanent faculty members publish in high-impact journals, are frequently cited, and most have high H-indexes. Additionally, they are increasingly active in national and international scientific societies.

The faculty reflects the multidisciplinary and advanced research nature of the program, aligning with the Program Proposal and the guidelines of the UFRJ Institutional Development Plan (PDI) for the development of research and graduate education at the institution.


12 12 PGE Layout AvatarFlavia Fonseca Bloise is an adjunct professor at the Carlos Chagas Filho Biophysics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IBCCF-UFRJ), associated with the Laboratory of Translational Endocrinology (LET). She is currently the coordinator of the Professional Master's Program in Training for Biomedical Research at IBCCF (2021-present) and a Young Scientist of Our State (FAPERJ 2022-2025). She completed her postdoctoral studies at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (2014-2015), where she studied the relationship between euthyroid sick syndrome and muscle function with Dr. Anita Boelen. During her second postdoctoral period with Dr. Tânia Ortiga at LET (2015-2018), she introduced the research line evaluating the relationship between thyroid hormones and the development of myopathies at IBCCF, which she currently heads. She coordinated the Biosafety Unit at IBCCF (2018-2021). Flavia develops and coordinates extension and scientific outreach projects, emphasizing the use of gamification tools for teaching science in public schools. She is a permanent member of the Professional Master's Program in Biomedical Research (rated 4) and the Graduate Program in Physiology (rated 7), both at IBCCF. She supervises and co-supervises graduate and undergraduate students. Flavia was the founder and president (2020-2022) of the Brazilian Symposium on Muscle Biology (SBBMusc), a national initiative for discussing research in muscle biology. She is currently a member (2023) of the organizing committee of SBBMusc and the scientific committee of the Brazilian Thyroid Meeting (2021/2 and 2023/4). She has experience in muscle physiology, endocrinology, and aging, focusing mainly on the following topics: thyroid hormone, euthyroid sick syndrome, muscle function, sarcopenia, cell activation and differentiation, and inflammation.

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12 12 PGE Layout AvatarRossana Corbo R. de Melo holds a degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1976), a Master's in Medicine (Endocrinology) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1986), and a Ph.D. in Medicine (Radiology) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995). She is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is responsible for the Oncology Endocrinology Section at the National Cancer Institute (INCA), located at HC1. She has experience in medicine with an emphasis on endocrinology/oncology, focusing primarily on oncology endocrinology, especially thyroid tumors.

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Andrea Claudia Freitas Ferreira

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Denise Pires de Carvalho

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Flávia Lucia Conceição

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Leandro Miranda Alves

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Marcia Goncalves Ribeiro

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Marcus Vinicius L. de Souza

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Maria Lucia Fleiuss De Farias

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Marilia Martins Guimaraes

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Mario Vaisman

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Miguel Madeira

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Monica Roberto Gadelha

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Patrícia de Fátima dos S. Teixeira

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Rodrigo Soares Fortunato

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Tania Maria Ruffoni Ortiga

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